Refreshing Air Mass Settles In

Discussion: A cold front has pushed through early this morning, knocking dew point temperatures down into the upper-50s/near-60. You probably noticed the increase in comfort/feel today (Friday) compared to yesterday (Thursday) when dews were near-70 (sticky). Temperatures are still warm but lower humidity can make the difference in a refreshing feel (especially evening) vs a disgusting feel. For this weekend, it looks mostly refreshing. Dews will continue to drop overnight tonight (Friday night) into Saturday morning which should set up a stellar day outside on Saturday without rain. Sunday also looks comfortable and mostly nice however cannot rule out some isolated showers and thunderstorms pushing across NJ from W to E. NNJ would be most favored to see such. SNJ would be least favored. Next week then looks like a gradual build from mild/comfortable (start of week) to hazy, hot, and humid (by end of week).

Friday (June 7) high temperatures reached the 78-85 range today from N to S for most NJ locations. Skies should remain mixed with sun and clouds and a few isolated pop-ups around (very isolated if any). Winds should be light out of the W. Overnight lows should range from 50 to 65 from NNJ elevations to SNJ coasts.

Saturday (June 8) high temperatures should reach the upper-70s/lower-80s with a pleasant feel (lower humidity). Skies should be mostly sunny. Winds should be light-to-breezy out of the W. Overnight lows should range from 50 to 65 from NNJ elevations to SNJ coasts.  

Sunday (June 9) high temperatures should reach the upper-70s/lower-80s for most NJ locations. Skies should be mixed with sun and clouds. Can’t rule out an isolated pop-up shower/thunderstorm or two but most areas should miss. It looks like NNJ has a better chance to see anything than SNJ. Winds should be light-to-breezy out of the W/SW. Overnight lows should range from 50 to 65 from NNJ elevations to SNJ coasts. 

An early look at next week indicates a gradual build of heat. The week starts with highs in the 70s and lower humidity but builds to upper-80s/near-90 by end of week with humidity and typical storm chances. Have a great weekend and please be safe! JC

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