Since we’re covering controversial topics that most forecasters publicly shun, like chemtrails and HAARP, we might as well tackle climate change. I’ll tell you what I know about it and what I believe. It’s not a clear cut black and white solution so if you’re looking for that, you’ve come to the wrong place. Climate change is real but deserves a better explanation than yes or no. Alright let’s do this.
It’s common knowledge that our atmosphere is made up of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, 1 percent argon, and then a handful of trace elements including carbon dioxide (CO2). It is also common knowledge that CO2 levels have increased over the last 60 years. CO2 levels in 1955 were 315ppm (parts per million).
Today CO2 levels are 400ppm.
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas meaning it absorbs infrared radiation in the form of heat. Therefore, increasing the level of CO2 in our atmosphere should theoretically increase the temperature of our atmosphere after solar exposure over time.
CO2 is also a bi-product of combustion. Global industrial exhaust pumps more CO2 into the atmosphere than our planet does naturally through algae blooms, plant exhalation, and volcanic activity. Take a ride on the Jersey Turnpike and look at all the crap we’re throwing up into the atmosphere. Look at all the cars and trucks on the road. Look at all the commercial shipping freighters. Look at the industrial revolution in China. Do you think what you see is not increasing CO2 levels? Do you think what you see is good for our planet?
So there is no doubt that we are contributing our own CO2 in addition to natural CO2. Now what does that mean in terms of planetary effect? The majority of the scientific community (over 95 percent) have conducted numerous studies that all point towards melting polar ice, rising sea levels, and increased global temperature anomalies. These are scientists, who after obtaining undergraduate and graduate degrees in climatology, have conducted professional research and defended their opinion amongst a board of scholarly personnel — opinions that have since become the body of knowledge from which we learn from in meteorological and climatological academia. These scientists didn’t waste a decade plus of their lives to just collaborate and make up conspiracy theories. I side with them.
Now here’s where I’m still uncertain — when it comes to short-term synoptic and mesoscale weather events. I’ve yet to see solid credible evidence that links increased CO2 levels to events like Sandy, the super-typhoons in the western Pacific Ocean, etc. These events have been occurring almost 4 billion years before present time, shortly after the oceans formed. That’s why weather occurs.
The sun heats the oceans and land at different rates which are constantly trying to equalize through low and high pressure systems and currents. Let’s give Mother Nature a little credit here. If you’re trying to say that a 32 percent increase in ppm of a gas that comprises less than 1 percent of our entire atmosphere caused an extratropical cyclone to be captured by an upper level trough and slam the east coast, I’m more than willing to consider credible research and evidence that suggests so.
So let me summarize my beliefs. No solid evidence that climate change caused events like Sandy but yes we INDEED have a carbon footprint that has slow long term effects such as sea level rise, average global temperature increase, and polar ice melting. These changes are happening at negligible rates though.
We’re not going to wake up to the atmosphere of Venus anytime soon. It is, however, time to reduce our carbon footprint through clean and renewable energy resources. I believe that since we changed the climate we can change it back through modern innovation and better ways to live. We have to stop burning fossil fuels and exhausting our natural resources. We at least owe that to our distant future generations.
Plus, wouldn’t a clean and smokestack-free Jersey Turnpike be nice someday? Be safe! JC
Jonathan Carr (JC) is the founder and sole operator of Weather NJ, New Jersey’s largest independent weather reporting agency. Since 2010, Jonathan has provided weather safety discussion and forecasting services for New Jersey and surrounding areas through the web and social media. Originally branded as Severe NJ Weather (before 2014), Weather NJ is proud to bring you accurate and responsible forecast discussion ahead of high-stakes weather scenarios that impact this great garden state of ours. All Weather. All New Jersey.™ Be safe! JC
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