Humidity and storms return this week (July 21-25)

Weather NJ blur storms

This week we’re back to good ole fashion mid-summer weather. We can thank high pressure near Bermuda for making this possible by establishing a S/E ridge. Humidity will be returning as temperatures push higher and higher each day. By Wednesday we could be flirting with 90 degrees for areas away from the coast. Popup thunder-cells can happen on any afternoon but I expect a possible stormy period Wednesday-Thursday. Lets break it down by day:

Tomorrow will max out in the low-to-mid 80s with a light S/E flow. Lows will fall into the mid-60s. Expect mostly sunny skies with noticeably increased humidity.

Tuesday will also feature mostly sunny skies and plenty of humidity but with temperatures a few degrees higher then Monday. Winds will switch to a S/W direction and vary from 5-15mph. If afternoon temps top out in the mid-to-upper 80s then they should only fall to ~70 overnight.

Wednesday will likely be the hottest and most humid day of the week. Mostly sunny skies will continue with a persistent 5-15mph S/W flow. Model guidance is indicating a weak low pressure disturbance pushing through from the Great Lakes area. It should eject into the Atlantic Ocean (near Long Island) sometime between Wednesday and Thursday bringing isolated to scattered thunderstorms with it. With such a hot and steamy leading setup all week, severe weather criteria cannot be ruled out. I’ll be tracking this system throughout the week but for now, lets put it on the back burner.

Thursday should be cooler than Wednesday. Lets give it through late afternoon for any lingering/remnant showers and storms to fully move out. I think this day will feature more sun than clouds while not storming but we’ll see. Highs should stay in the lower 80s with lows dropping to around 60. These cooler temperature as well as a 5-15mph N/W flow should allow for a pleasant feel.

As of now Friday looks gorgeous with a high of ~80, a low of ~60, and mostly sunny skies. Winds will still be out of the N/W at 5-15mph with gusts to 20mph. An early peek at the weekend says another beautiful day on Saturday and possibly a stormy Sunday.

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Lightning image by Chris Spiegel of Blur Revision Media Design.

Be safe and have a great week! JC

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