Great Conditions Settle In

Two diverse young women laughing together while walking outside in street

Discussion: After a very pleasant and comfortable Monday, lower height fields will move over NJ to make for only a slightly-unsettled Wednesday into Thursday (nice conditions most of the day but afternoon/evening isolated showers and boomers possible). Once the trough passes half-way through (by Thursday) then NW or N/NW flow will take over and provide another warm, but comfortable, stretch for Friday through the weekend. Saturday and Sunday should be under a transient developing ridge which will make for even better feeling conditions. So some nuisance junk Wednesday into Thursday then a weekend for the books of amazing weather conditions Friday through Sunday. Not seeing a whole lot of rain the week after either.

Tuesday (May 28) high temperatures have maxed (as of 330pm Tuesday) around 80 for much of NJ. Elevations a few degrees coler (low-to-mid 70s). What a beautiful day! Skies are clear and humidity is low. Winds should remain light out of the W/NW with overnight lows ranging from lower-50s to lower-60s from NNJ elevations to SNJ coasts.

Wednesday (May 29) high temperatures should reach the mid-to-upper 70s for most NJ locations. Skies should be mixed with sun and clouds. Can’t rule out afternoon/evening showers or thunderstorms. Winds should be light out of the W. Overnight lows should fall into the mid-to-upper 50s for most NJ locations as rain/storm chances persist into Thursday morning.  

Thursday (May 30) high temperatures should reach the mid-to-upper 70s for most NJ locations. Skies should be mixed with more sun than clouds. Can’t rule out an isolated shower/boomer but most of the day looks very nice for most. Keep an eye to the sky in case you end up in the extreme minority seeing the isolated action. Winds should be light out of the NW. Overnight lows should fall to the 50-55 range for most NJ locations. Elevations might dip into upper-40s.

Friday (May 31) high temperatures should reach the mid-70s for most NJ locations. Skies should be mostly sunny. Winds should be light out of the N/NW. Another beaut! Overnight lows should fall to the upper-40s to mid-50s range from NNJ elevations to SNJ coasts.

An early look at the weekend indicates great conditions from this vantage point and time. I’m seeing dry/clear conditions, low winds, and low humidity. Most NJ locations into 70s/near-80 for highs and upper-50s to mid-60s for overnight lows. Here’s to the weekend forecast holding! Have a great week and please be safe! JC

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