Wet Pattern Emerges
Discussion: It looks like we’re finally going to enter a wetter pattern. I know it sucks for outdoor interests but it is much needed for our natural water tables. This wet pattern should start between Tuesday PM and Wednesday AM
Discussion: It looks like we’re finally going to enter a wetter pattern. I know it sucks for outdoor interests but it is much needed for our natural water tables. This wet pattern should start between Tuesday PM and Wednesday AM
Discussion: I’m seeing the anomalously high geopotential height anomalies over SE Canada lasting though our entire forecast period…out through next weekend. If you’re a snow lover, you want to see this type of block over Greenland, not over SE Canada.
Discussion: I really enjoy these current conditions…when fall temporarily wins the tug of war towards the end of a summer. We’re allowed to have multiple favorites in a four-season state. The tropical mid-summer feel (if you are near pool, beach,
Discussion: Real quick, today’s (Thursday) highs peaked in the 70s but areas SE of I-95/NJTP saw higher levels of humidity than areas NW of such. The recently established onshore flow (High in Gulf of Maine + Low SW of Bermuda)
Discussion: One upper-level feature to note from 250mb wind analysis is a strong coupled upper jet over NJ in the Saturday-Sunday period later this week. This could enhance the expected rainfall in that time frame. This idea aligns with the
Discussion: This weekend, a decaying ridge over the E US will give way to the bottom/backside of a trough. This will change the upper flow from a warm and humid S/SW source to a dry and comfortable/chilly at night N/NW
Discussion: I’m seeing mostly ridging this week over the E US including NJ. This will allow temps and humidity to build today and especially tomorrow before a stormfront pushes through from N to S, driven by high pressure to our
Discussion: The E side of a ridge will hold our pleasant feel in place a little longer but as the E side of a trough approaches, humidity will gradually build between Friday and Sunday night—setting the stage for a humid
Discussion: I can feel summer starting to slip away. Later sunrises. Earlier sunsets. Warmer onshore flow. Different shadows throughout the day from a lower sun-angle. It’s all there as I’ve experienced and mentally logged for decades. Soon (September), we’ll be
Discussion: For this week, we’ll be under lower geopotential heights. The trough (#1) that moved into place Saturday, eventually bringing the cooler and drier air for Sunday, is slowly departing with another trough (#2) forming and moving in right behind.