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July 28: Watching the Tropics

July 28: Watching the Tropics

🕔21:39, 28.Jul 2014

A tropical wave in the Atlantic Ocean will become a tropical depression in the next few days and ultimately Bertha. Despite being surrounded by dry air, this wave is indeed showing signs of strengthening. Current projected track is extremely uncertain this

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Cooler Summer Continues (July 28-Aug 1)

Cooler Summer Continues (July 28-Aug 1)

🕔10:40, 28.Jul 2014

Another cool air mass is moving into the region from the northwest. The low pressure disturbance that brought last night’s storms is moving out while high pressure moves in behind a cold front. This should keep most of the week

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July 27: It’s Show Time

July 27: It’s Show Time

🕔21:33, 27.Jul 2014

Thunderstorms are moving into western New Jersey (Philly-northward). They will continue to push ENE until they clear out to sea. These storms should continue to push towards the NYC Metro area overnight. Due to cooler air aloft, there are many

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July 27: Evening Storms Approaching!

July 27: Evening Storms Approaching!

🕔18:34, 27.Jul 2014

Thunderstorms continue to push ENE across Pennsylvania towards New Jersey. They’re not moving very fast so estimated impact is still at least a few hours away. Given the current setup and radar observations, it appears that NNJ has a better

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July 27: Evening Storms Expected

July 27: Evening Storms Expected

🕔09:45, 27.Jul 2014

Showers and storms have already moved through the region early this morning. While weaker showers and storms can happen at any time today, the primary threat appears to be later this evening. I’m actually expecting clouds to clear for some

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Storms Expected Tomorrow (July 27)

Storms Expected Tomorrow (July 27)

🕔10:02, 26.Jul 2014

Some unexpected nuisance clouds and rain showers are moving across the region this morning. They should clear to the east and still allow a nice day from noon-forward. There’s nothing even remotely severe about them so again, just a nuisance.

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Split Weekend Weather Ahead (July 25-27)

Split Weekend Weather Ahead (July 25-27)

🕔08:02, 25.Jul 2014

How beautiful does it feel this morning? Another cool air-mass has moved into the region but will quickly moderate for the weekend under July sun. Today and most of tomorrow look very nice but Saturday evening into Sunday could feature

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July 24: Cool Air Returns

July 24: Cool Air Returns

🕔13:55, 24.Jul 2014

The above map shows current frontal boundary positions, courtesy of SimuAwips. As you can see, the cold front has pushed off the coast of New Jersey despite remaining stationary over Virginia. This will keep showers concentrated to our south and

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July 23: Storms about to hit New Jersey

July 23: Storms about to hit New Jersey

🕔18:52, 23.Jul 2014

Thunderstorms have begun moving into NWNJ but are looking stronger for points south. A decent amount of storm energy is currently heading towards the Philadelphia region. The actual line of precipitation is actually quite thin. That means a short period

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July 23: Evening Storms Approaching!

July 23: Evening Storms Approaching!

🕔13:10, 23.Jul 2014

Hope you’re all staying cool today! Heat indices have exceeded 90F in many NJ locations already. This will set the stage for strong-to-severe thunderstorms tonight, especially for western and northwestern New Jersey. The entire I-95 corridor (from DC to at

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