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Posts From Jonathan Carr

Aug 12: Wet Night Expected

Aug 12: Wet Night Expected

🕔19:40, 12.Aug 2014

Widespread heavy rainfall has already fallen over portions of southern New Jersey. Northern New Jersey is up next as precipitation pushes north along the occluded frontal boundary. Occluded simply means that the cold front has caught the warm front just

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Aug 11: Rain Already Approaching

Aug 11: Rain Already Approaching

🕔18:56, 11.Aug 2014

Rain is already approaching the Washington D.C./Baltimore area from the W/SW. At it’s current pace it should arrive in New Jersey by sunrise if not earlier. I’m starting to get a better idea of how this system is going to

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Mixed Weather Expected! (Aug 11-15)

Mixed Weather Expected! (Aug 11-15)

🕔19:05, 10.Aug 2014

High pressure will have control for another 24-36 hours. This should make for another beautiful summery Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, however, look rainy and stormy. With any luck we’ll return to fair weather for Thursday and Friday. Let’s break it

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Gorgeous Weekend Alert! (Aug 8-10)

Gorgeous Weekend Alert! (Aug 8-10)

🕔08:09, 7.Aug 2014

The cold front quietly passed through the region yesterday which has pushed the humid tropical air mass out to sea. We’ll now fall victim to high pressure which should be in full control through at least Sunday. Only the smallest

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Aug 5: Storms Expected Tomorrow

Aug 5: Storms Expected Tomorrow

🕔19:53, 5.Aug 2014

Isolated showers and thunderstorms are possible throughout the remainder of this evening. Tomorrow holds a greater chance for storms due to a cold front moving through. Expected time of impact is between late afternoon and early evening. Storms riding the

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Bertha: Close But No Cigar

Bertha: Close But No Cigar

🕔09:18, 5.Aug 2014

Yesterday, Bertha was upgraded to a category 1 hurricane but has since been downgraded back to a tropical storm. Today she will parallel coastal Jersey about 300 miles offshore before turning to the northeast and moving out for good. Here’s

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Bertha to impact Jersey Shore (Aug 5-6)

Bertha to impact Jersey Shore (Aug 5-6)

🕔10:39, 4.Aug 2014

It’s peak season at the Jersey Shore. Hundreds of thousands of people are populating the barrier islands as soon-to-be Hurricane Bertha is taking shape. Expected coastal impacts are the most we will see from Bertha. This includes above-average wave heights,

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Your Weekly Forecast – Mixed & Sunny! (Aug 4-8)

Your Weekly Forecast – Mixed & Sunny! (Aug 4-8)

🕔19:26, 3.Aug 2014

New Jersey weather will be very unsettled for the first half of this week. It might be Thursday before that changes back to drier cooler weather. Tropical impacts from Bertha should be confined to just coastal surf. It’s peak season

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NOAA: Bertha has Formed!

NOAA: Bertha has Formed!

🕔09:42, 1.Aug 2014

Tropical Storm Bertha has formed in the Atlantic Ocean and is heading towards the Leeward Island portion of the Lesser Antilles. The latest computer model guidance suggests that Bertha will then turn towards the Bermuda region after possibly passing near/over

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Weekend Washout Expected (Aug 1-3)

Weekend Washout Expected (Aug 1-3)

🕔10:34, 31.Jul 2014

I’ve been analyzing multiple weather models (US and foreign) and weather trends for a few days now. Most guidance suggests periods of soaking rain throughout the weekend. As far as exact timing goes, Saturday morning through early afternoon should feature

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