Jan 5: Light Wintry Event Detected
Discussion: An Arctic high will track from just W of the Great Lakes through OBX between now and Monday. As long as we’re on the front side of the high’s anti-cyclonic flow, there will be a NW jet of Arctic
Discussion: An Arctic high will track from just W of the Great Lakes through OBX between now and Monday. As long as we’re on the front side of the high’s anti-cyclonic flow, there will be a NW jet of Arctic
Discussion: The coastal winter storm has moved out. Now we are subject to dangerously cold temperatures with high winds out of the N/NW as Arctic air wraps in behind the departing system’s cyclonic energy. Tonight (Thursday night) we’re probably going
Discussion: The storm has and is still rapidly intensifying. Current central low pressure is 965mb. While over 300 miles to our E, the center of the storm is still S of our latitude. Over the next 6-9 hours the low
Please click here for full-resolution snow map! Discussion: The surface low that will become the powerful ocean low is in the process of interacting with the upper level energy approaching from the W. It’s all wrapping up as expected into what
Please click here for full-resolution snow map! Discussion: We’re finally transitioning from the mid-range to short-range forecasting period and therefore most major features of this system are locked-in. We know we have phasing energy to our W (will eventually phase
It’s time to harness the WeatherTrends360 proprietary weather algorithms to see how the rest of January 2018 should play out. But first lets break New Jersey into proper climatological regions. We have the higher elevations of NNJ/NWNJ, the interior coastal plain (SWNJ through CNJ
Discussion: After reviewing the latest data and live observations, I’ve noticed a few things. For one the low pressure system’s expected track in the Atlantic Ocean has trended not so much west, but has consolidated on the western side of
Discussion: We’re very cold today through Tuesday as Arctic air reigns dominant. This poses a serious risk of hypothermic medical issues for those braving it outside for either the ball drop or any other outdoor activity surrounding New Years. If you
Discussion: The most impressive remnant of the northern stream energy has moved through S PA and into SNJ this morning. This initial energy is now moving out into the ocean however the weak coastal cyclogenesis has begun near Delmarva. This weak
Click here for full-resolution snow map! Discussion: No real changes to last night’s forecast. Snowfall is currently approaching the Ohio Valley region. This should spread through PA and N MD overnight before exiting across NJ tomorrow. Timing is between dusk and