Tropical Conditions Return

Tropical Conditions Return

🕔13:52, 30.Jul 2024

Discussion: It’s no secret the humidity is back. We had a few great feeling days earlier in the weekend, but that air mass has left. A trough is decaying over the Mid-Atlantic US, giving way to higher geopotential heights by

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Warm but Dry and Comfortable

Warm but Dry and Comfortable

🕔14:33, 26.Jul 2024

Discussion: Today (Friday) features weather conditions I’d like to bottle and save for a different time. Perhaps when Temps are 90+/Dews are 70+ or perhaps during a mid-winter Arctic outbreak. A few times a year this happens in NJ and

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Cloudy. Humid. Unsettled.

Cloudy. Humid. Unsettled.

🕔12:10, 22.Jul 2024

Discussion: Yesterday was a neat little situation across northern SNJ. A near-stationary frontal boundary was draped across the Philly/Trenton to Ocean County latitude. The lifting of this frontal boundary allowed for the creation of isolated showers and thunderstorms (small and

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Gradually Returning to Warm and Humid

Gradually Returning to Warm and Humid

🕔11:34, 19.Jul 2024

Discussion: Yesterday (Thursday) went about as expected. Some relief from humidity moved into NJ, mainly for areas along and NW of I-95/NJTP. Areas SE of I-95/NJTP, especially the ECNJ/SENJ coast, saw lingering humidity due to proximity to the departing frontal

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More Thunderstorms Today/Tonight!

More Thunderstorms Today/Tonight!

🕔14:57, 17.Jul 2024

Discussion: We’re almost to a window of relief from heat and humidity but not just yet. Last night was a solid storm night for most of CNJ/SNJ while NNJ saw more of an isolated/scattered situation. Wind intensity favored NNJ given

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Temporary Relief to follow Heat Wave

Temporary Relief to follow Heat Wave

🕔13:28, 15.Jul 2024

Discussion: Right now we are caught between high pressure, near Bermuda, and a very positive-tilted approaching trough. The two players are generating a relentless S/SW flow of heat and humidity for New Jersey and this constitutes the reason for the

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Another Heat Wave Reloads after the Rain

Another Heat Wave Reloads after the Rain

🕔13:39, 12.Jul 2024

Discussion: So the frontal boundary associated with Beryl the other night pushed through NJ and became stationary just offshore for most of yesterday. Early this morning, it was pushed backwards by high pressure in the Atlantic Ocean (Bermuda high setting

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Remnant Beryl Energy Approaches NJ

Remnant Beryl Energy Approaches NJ

🕔21:36, 10.Jul 2024

Discussion: Over the past few weeks, Beryl has tracked from the Cape Verde region off NW Africa, across the Atlantic Ocean, across the Caribbean Sea, across the Yucatan Peninsula, Across the Gulf of Mexico, into the Houston area of TX,

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Relentless Heat and Humidity Continues

Relentless Heat and Humidity Continues

🕔12:30, 8.Jul 2024

Discussion: I hope everyone had a great 4th of July and weekend! This entire week will feature conditions like “Florida in the summer” if you are familiar. Hazy, dangerously hot, and excessively humid with thunderstorms possible anytime, especially during PM

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Firework Show and BBQ Forecast

Firework Show and BBQ Forecast

🕔13:20, 3.Jul 2024

Discussion: The purpose of this article is to leave you with a more detailed look at NJ weather conditions for the 4th of July and this weekend. Any updates after this article, over the extended holiday period (tomorrow through Sunday),

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