2017 Hobie North American Championship Forecast

Weather NJ is absolutely flattered that the International Hobie Class Association reached out for a special event forecast! Their 2017 Hobie Mini Mega North American Championships are being held in the Sandy Hook Bay on August 4-11. Each morning, a customized race conditions forecast will appear below:


Friday, August 11, 2017

Time Temp (F) Sky Conditions Sust. Winds (KTS) Max Winds (KTS) Wind Dir. Wave Ht. (feet)
1000 73 Partly Sunny 4-6 7 S/SE 1-2
1100 74 Partly Sunny 4-6 7 S/SE 1-2
1200 75 Partly Sunny 4-6 7 SE 1-2
1300 77 Partly Sunny 4-6 7 SE 1-2
1400 78 Mixed Skies 4-6 7 SE 1-2
1500 79 Mixed Skies 4-6 7 SE 1-2
1600 78 Mostly Cloudy 5-7 8 S/SE 1-2
1700 77 Mostly Cloudy 5-7 8 S/SE 1-2

Discussion: The general theme of today will be starting sunny and ending cloudy as a low pressure disturbance approaches for Saturday rainfall. Race hours should be dry today however despite the increase in cloud cover. Temperatures should struggle to break 80 in the Sandy Hook Bay. Winds should remain calm and waffling out of the S/SE. Given our warm-sector placement, a sea breeze is possible mid-race before too many clouds roll in. This is reflected in the wind column of the table above. Not seeing any land breeze issues. Wave heights in the bay should be relatively calm again aside from the normal chop you’ve now become used to. It has been an honor providing your racing forecast and I hope to see you again for any future North American Hobie championships that take place near New Jersey. Everyone have a great day of racing and please be safe! JC

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